The Word of God

Reflection – Lectionary: 170

Devotion to the Sacred Heart, as we know it, began in the year 1672. On repeated occasions, Jesus appeared to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, a Visitation nun, in France. During these apparitions, He explained to her the devotion to His Sacred Heart as He wanted people to practice it. He asked to be honored in the symbol of His Heart of flesh. There is only one Person in Jesus, and that person was at the same time God and Man. His Heart, too, is Divine- the Heart of God.

“It was because the LORD loved you…” (First Reading)

What does it really mean when one person says to another, “I give my heart to you.”? For some, it means that you are ready and truly able to trust another with your feelings, your thoughts, and even your future. That person must also clearly demonstrate the following:

1. They take time out for you
2. They are honest about themselves, and you
3. They share intimate details about themselves
4. They readily show various personal aspects of their own life
5. They are consistently there for you and talk and listen about anything

“In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins.” (Second Reading)

Thus, what do you think it means that Jesus gives His Sacred Heart to us and opens the way for a mutual relationship which is forever with Him? Let’s take another look at the list we prepared before:

1. Jesus always takes time for us.
2. Jesus is Truth
3. Jesus has shared His very life by dying on the Cross
4. Jesus invites us to discover who He is in our day-to-day life
5. Jesus never leaves

“For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” (Gospel)

Jesus calls every one of us to love. First, to love God above all things; second, our neighbor as ourselves; and lastly, ourselves. All together and all at once. Throughout our short lives here on earth, it may take a little more effort and time with one or two of these charges, but this is what we call faith in action! People who obey this command change their spiritual lives forever! If we believe in Jesus Christ, we must ask where He called us to go. Who has God put on your heart to love and share the gift of salvation?

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