The Word of God

No Doctors Just Patients

world globe in sky with coronavirus chains

“Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove that splinter from your eye,’ while the wooden beam is in your eye? You hypocrite, remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye.”

The thunder-like pounding of heavy, angry feet created the illusion in the office that morning as if an 18-wheeler carrying enough wood to build a city of log cabins was passing dangerously close at high speed. The other secretaries in the cubicle-laden area knew better, however. “She” was in another terrible mood and no one was going to get out alive, or at least, without needing a strong sedative, a bottle of Motrin, a deep skin massage or all of the above. Someone must have contradicted her, called her out on the condescending tones and thinly veiled insults, or finally just yelled back. But that’s all it took to unleash the Kraken and a new level of their hostile work environment that made a pack of hungry, feeding hyenas look like a quilting bee. 

Unfortunately, the scenario is not rare and exists in various dimensions and situations wherever the darkness of compulsive, judgmentally-challenged people, usually in some tier of authority, is allowed to run loose and unchecked. The problem is multifold. If we start from the beginning, you know, when the dinosaurs died, etc., we will find the genesis of this quagmire, well, in Genesis! The blame game as it is played all around the world had its origins in that famous garden where there was too much finger-pointing to go around. And when the layers of this petty pastime were uncovered, it led to one source. What was it? How about a hint? It was crawling on its stomach. It should not surprise anyone the very first mention of evil and the demonic from the earliest texts we have, took a strange adjective: accuser. Accusing anyone of everything from taking your parking spot to poisoning your cat, takes on bizarre power and effects. The accused are always caught off guard, placed in humiliating and even a position of defensive weakness, always looking to explain and nearly in an uncomfortable, uneasy manner giving some to believe that the accusation is actually accurate. 

This is the goal of the accuser. Knock us down, kick us while struggling to get up and then gaslight us to believe that maybe, just maybe, the blame has been rightfully and justifiably placed. At times, these struggles place us uncomfortably too close to shrew-like individuals that take all kinds of shapes and sizes. One example is the termagant who can surface at home, at work or even in high-profile positions of authority existing in nearly all professions. Termagants are always in a bad mood, whining and complaining, and generally making life miserable for everyone around them. Perhaps, we could also think that from time to time, we, too, may be counted among that number if we are not careful and practice self-awareness. Here is the problem and the justification for our Biblical reference above which warned against trying to pull out a splinter from another’s eye when we have a forest growing in our own. 

You see, this is truly deep darkness of the soul that negatively impacts everyone who must face a highly, self-righteous and judgmental person. Hypocrisy, hateful speech, condescending attitudes, distort all perceptions and poison the heart like a noxious gas. To point all the faults of another while hiding behind a thin and tattered curtain of self-made perfection ignores the obvious. Modern-day Pharisees have to strain to see everyone they dislike because they imagine seeing the beams of weakness everywhere, whereas the only real beam is the one lodged in their own eye socket. 

Among the many deep spiritual lessons that can be discovered during the virus pandemic and other life challenge is the call on all of us to valiantly struggle against this tendency to assume that our own worldview, often very limited, is the only unbiased, open minded and uncolored norm of judgment, that only we possess clear, unhampered sight. In other words, thinking and acting as if we are the “doctor” in the hospital of life and everybody else is the “patient.” This sickness, affecting the soul much like the actual COVID-19 weakens and destroys the lungs, can be cured only by putting on the mind and heart of Jesus Christ; by seeing my brothers and sisters through His eyes which always radiate love and forgiveness. You and I are called to beg every day to adopt and develop a healthy, realistic worldview where no one is better than anyone else and that forgiveness, if we truly want it at the end of our lives, must be practiced today and right now before yet another minute passes. Life, as it is, clearly remains as fragile as it has ever been noted. We will be able to live what we read in St. Matthew’s Gospel, “only then will you see clearly.” 

Let us be open to change our view of the world, or at least, amend it a little. We are all patients and equally in need of help and cure. When seen through these patient, loving eyes, we will have a deep-seated change of heart and find life beautiful instead of heartless. And while there still may be pounding from time-to-time, it will not be the angry stampedes of the maladjusted and hateful. It will be His heart beating for you because that is who He is and that is why He came. 

Share your thoughts (19 thoughts)

19 thoughts on “No Doctors Just Patients”

  • Veronica Leal Altamirano says:

    Well written and a must read for all of us. I like that there were so many valid points and thoughts in how we can become the best version of ourself if we become open to change and be more like a patient looking to God for his plan and guidance. We all should be open to continue to grow more like the person God put us on this Earth to be.

    The statement, “we are all patients and equally in need of help and cure” is so true! I pray that God guides us all, to let go of our set ways and open us to show the love of God and the heart of Jesus in all we do!

    • Caro says:

      Thank you so very much, Veronica and welcome to our inspiration-producing community through this blog! We certainly appreciate your comments that remind us all that a positive attitude leads to greatness. Becoming the best version of ourselves is a life-long process and a journey well worth all the effort and struggle. Your post inspires us all to smile and let everyone know that today we are a lot stronger than we were yesterday. God bless you always!

  • Theresa Mosel says:

    Very humbled by this article. Self reflection of the heart. The message brings to light the internal struggles we may feel, with a gentle reminder of our own self awareness we need to reflect on, with the beauty and sacrifice of Gods eternal love for all His children.

    • Caro says:

      Welcome, Theresa to our community amid many Bible-readers across the country! Your insights will help many understand the nature of the internal struggle in life. Perhaps this will help you and some of our readers:

      A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this way: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked which dog will win, he reflected for a moment and replied “The One I Feed.” God bless you, Theresa!

  • Karen Ryan says:

    Very inspiring and beautifully written article. We can all learn from this. Thank you for opening our eyes to a situation that many of us don’t think of.

  • Karen Ryan says:

    Very inspiring and beautifully written article. We can all learn from this. Thank you for opening our eyes. Karen from Boise

    • Caro says:

      Thank you, Karen and greetings to all our readers in Boise, Idaho. We have shipped many Bibles your way! Thank you for reminding us about the true spirit of metanoia which many call the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self and way of life within the framework and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. You remind us all that we have within us the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. God bless you always, Karen!

  • Mary Ann Ramos says:

    This article brought me to tears as I struggle to convince my Mother to stay home during quarantine. She is enduring this alone. We have had many disagreements about people visiting her and her going out to “check on” friends and family. I am the “doctor” enforcing all the guidelines and she is the rebellious “patient” breaking all the rules. As I read the article, I was able to see her side so much more clearly. My goal is to keep her safe, but I need to be more compassionate, patient and loving about her situation and less rigid. Thank you Lord for the countless times you have allowed me practice humility.

    • Caro says:

      What a beautiful testimony, Mary Ann! Thank you for sharing that with our many readers. We know that Jesus is forever patient with us and that could be our constant reminder to show HIM how grateful we are by being patient with others around us. And it does not mean sitting back passively and staring at a wall waiting for it to collapse or move. It means to have enough vision to trust the end result of acting with patience. It means to look at the thorn and see the rose, to look at the night and see the dawn, to look at the ones who “try” our patience and see Jesus right there. God bless you always!

  • Fr. James Farfaglia says:

    Thank you for this excellent article. Charity is the essential virtue of Christianity and it is always a pleasure to find people in the workplace or at home who live this beautiful virtue. But, when it comes to the workplace, it is important for a boss, not only to practice this virtue, he or she needs to weed out anyone who does not. Charity and the accompanying virtue of humility not only creates peaceful homes and peaceful places of work, we can also get a lot done when we are happy in both places.

    • Caro says:

      Welcome back, Father and thank you for your comments! Many of our readers are in work and family situations where charity seems to be a rare commodity. One of readers told us that there were at least four signs that someone may have either a toxic job or finds themselves in a toxic relationship: 1. No recognition, 2. No role models, 3. No room for improvement, and 4. No personal or social joy. Let’s see if anyone else concurs or disagrees with our list. In the meantime, thank you for your service and for your online presence via Facebook. God bless you, Father. Please pray for all of us.

  • Denise Guerra says:

    This story, “No Doctors Just Patients” was an excellent piece to read. It really made me think and imagine the different scenarios as to what this piece could pertain to. The writer did an amazing job at putting all that together. Thank you.

    • Caro says:

      Good day, Denise! Welcome to CityOfAgape Blog family! We all hope and pray that you had a great and comforting Day for all Mothers! I was personally intrigued by your comment, “It really made me think and imagine the different scenarios as to what this piece could pertain to.” At our online gathering for prayer and fellowship on Sunday, Mother’s Day, I posed the query and we had about every conceivable situation imaginable for such a reflection! Let’s agree to apply what we can to as many real-life situations as applicable and remember that being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others. Thanks, Denise!

  • Fr. David Hemann says:

    I think we’ve all experienced people like this from time to time and have even felt that way in ourselves, hopefully on rare occasions! It’s time to ask yourself this… “If the shoe fits are we willing to wear it and take responsibility so that we could start a fresh?” “Jesus, help us only wear your sandals of humility and love.”
    Your words deeply challenge me and call me to grow up!!!

    • Caro says:

      Father David, great to hear from you again! Many of us are watching your beautiful Masses and original concerts at your Facebook page. Hopefully more of our readers will follow you as well. Your comments remind us that humility will open more doors than arrogance ever will. Please accept our prayers for you and your parishioners during this challenging time. You remind and challenge many of us here at CityOfAgape to lead with integrity, follow with curiosity, serve with generosity, be with humility and love with humanity. God bless you, Father David!

  • Sandra J. Salinas says:

    This is an amazing article! This is not only a story to be read, it is a lesson to be learned. This article truly took me back to the beginning of time, to the beginning of birth, at which time each of us is born with humility and unbiased love. This article helps to awaken that seed of hope which can be easily squashed during these times of turmoil; and, it discreetly places a mirror in front of our face so that we may evaluate whom and what we see. This article definitely offers the opportunity for a reality check. I would love to see more articles like this one. Specifically, articles that are quick read lessons, and which provide immense personal and spiritual growth opportunity.

    • Caro says:

      Welcome to CityOfAgape Inspirational Blog family, Sandra! Nice to have you! All of us are very happy that you found lessons to be learned and shared as you walk with us. Another read remarked to us that she learned that she has the permission to stay away from people who can not take responsibility for their actions and who attempt to make us feel bad for being angry at them when the do us wrong. Faith first, then forgiveness, then fidelity. God bless you, Sandra!

  • Leona Gunter says:

    This really sums up the current situation in the works and here at home regarding the virus and the political situation we are faced with. How comforting to He is in control and loves us all in spite of our faults. Wonderful article.

    • Caro says:

      Thank you, Leona, for your comments and insights. I believe we can both agree that those who leave everything in God’s hands will eventually see God’s hand in everything. God bless you always!

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