The Word of God

In Your Hands

white dove-pigeon eating out of a person's hand

The passage from childhood into adulthood is not only critical to maturity, it is also necessary for clear and insightful wisdom to help see the path to Heaven with clarity and courage. While we are challenged to keep child-like hearts, we must have adult-sized faith to see good and evil wherever we go.

Listen to this week’s insightful message of hope and clarity accompanied by original piano music.

Share your thoughts (10 thoughts)

10 thoughts on “In Your Hands”

  • Deborah says:

    What an awesome story. It reminds me that everything I do or say is in my hands.May god continue to help me see others as god sees them.Thank you for sharing your stories.

    • Caro says:

      We certainly appreciate your response to our latest podcast, “In Your Hands.” I truly appreciated your prayer to see others as God sees them, with love, compassion, and certainly mercy. Have a blessed day, Deborah!

      “It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest most uninteresting person you can talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship… it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all of our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics. There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal.” (C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory)

  • Thank you for this thought provoking meditation! This beautiful story embodies so many avenues of life. My seed of faith, that which I was born with….have I allowed it to grow into a beautiful and gigantic tree full of life? Have I gotten rid of its dead branches, or have I held on to them and allowed them to hinder the growth of new branches and new leaves with veins which breathe life? My seed of faith, that which I was born with…..have I allowed it to grow from a bud to a beautiful rose full of faith? Have I gotten rid of its thorns along the way, or have I held on to them and allowed them to hinder the growth of new buds? My seed of faith….have I nurtured it??? It’s in my hands….what have I done with it….what will I do with it going forward???

    • Caro says:

      Good morning, Sandy, and thank you for your insightful response to our latest podcast, “In Your Hands.” It truly is, isn’t it, all in our hands? I truly appreciated your thematic image of the seed of faith and the harvest of faith for which you long and work. These are all very excellent questions going forward. They remind me of the sort of questions that people ask on their death beds, which seems odd at first glance since there is very little one can do at that point. The time to act is now, this very moment, and not because of the warning, “before it’s too late,” but more precisely because all we have is NOW. Every single beginning of every single day is yet another opportunity to nurture that seed and allow God to bring forth the fruit that is within all of us. Change is not easy, but it is simple. Things will always change and we truly do not have a choice about that, but we do have a choice on how we react to change. Either we manage the frenetic and constantly changing world around us, or it will manage us and not necessarily for the best of our interests. Thank you for reminding all of us of this breathtaking existence that we call life and God calls “The Gift.” May our days be blessed!

      I think faith is the small mustard seed of opportunities every day. For example, ‘Am I going to love this person? Am I going to share my faith with this person? Am I going to pray that little prayer?’ It really is a daily thing where you seize those little mustard seed opportunities and then see what God does.

      Mark Batterson

  • Kristen says:

    Normally, I take a moment to reflect on what I just heard or read, but given how I had just mentioned about my grief moments before I pressed play, reflecting was not necessary; I immediately began typing.

    I’m sure I haven’t, nor will be, the only person who was blanketed in chills after hearing, “it’s all in your hands.” As a matter of fact, I had to pause the story for a moment before continuing.

    I began thinking these children were the absolute worst, and was anxious to find out how the precious, old man was going to respond to this awful prank. While this story could have gone so many directions, one meaning shone like a neon light, blaring before my very eyes: choose how you perceive each experience in your life (good and the lesser). If your head cocked to the side in confusion, let me explain:

    Instead of saying “bad” experience, I refer to it as the lesser good. This is because there is no one experience that you cannot learn and grow from. In my case, this message was attributed to my current grieving process of a lost loved one, and the perception of life and death. While I could discuss the experiences I’ve encountered leading up to this very morning, I believe this podcast was the last messsge I needed to hear in my grieving process. I wanted to be angry, I wanted to be sad; but since the perception of life and death is “all in [my] hands,” I decided that my heart would heal when I chose to hold on to the good memories of her, and learn from the pain of losing her: keep tearing down my guard, don’t build it back up— let God continue to see me. I also must remember that so long as I have full trust in the Lord, my hands are never alone; He is always, always holding and guiding them.

    Whether or not this message was intended for an entirely different purpose, I felt in my heart this is the way I was supposed to understand it. Thank you again so much for this meaningful story and contributing to my healing. Many blessings, until next time.

    • Caro says:

      As always, Kristen, we are encouraged and strengthened by your thoughts and reflection in light of our latest podcast, “In Your Hands.” When we’re in crisis mode, it’s hard to see any upside, but, with some distance as you suggested, we might be able to see the situation in a different light and a different perspective, such as the “lesser good.” When someone loses a job, we remember that we’ve lost others in the past, and always landed on our feet. When we’ve had a fight with our spouse or close friends, we think, “Well, historically, we tend to bounce back.” When we endure those pisky and nagging panic attacks, we counter with, “Most of our life hasn’t included panic, so we can assume most of our future won’t as well.” Some lost jobs lead to better jobs, some broken relationships lead to relationships that are a better fit, and some panic leads to finally getting the help we need. Thanks for being there for all of us as we navigate through life through the many opportunities God gives us for growth, most specifically, the Dialy Biblical Reflections and Commentaries and these Inspirational Stories and Podcasts. God bless you always! Until next time, receive the peace and comfort that you so wonderfully celebrate.

      Sometimes we may ask God for success, and He gives us physical and mental stamina. We might plead for prosperity, and we receive enlarged perspective and increased patience, or we petition for growth and are blessed with the gift of grace. He may bestow upon us conviction and confidence as we strive to achieve worthy goals.

      David A. Bednar

    • A friend says:

      What a unique perspective! I was waiting to hear the old man teach some humility to the mean children and thought, “Well, he certainly turned the tables on them.” But after reading your response Kristen, and frankly, realizing how deaf and blind I can be sometimes, I was left with a trembling heart and tears welling up in my eyes. I don’t know you or your situation, but I felt every word you wrote to my core. It gave me a greater understanding of what was being said. And it brought to life with new meaning to the words, “That all depends on you. The answer is in your hands.” Thank you, both of you, for helping me in my own situation. God bless you all.

      • Caro says:

        We are always grateful when the Holy Spirit uses the experiences of our readers to touch and encourage others as a result of the posts and Reflections. There are so many who have lost their voice amid the frenetic pace and steady stream of difficult news and situations. A thankful heart will always find an echo in the souls who search for truth, meaning, and love. Thank you for sharing, thank you for struggling, and thank you for loving.

        Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.

        Melody Beattie

  • Veronica Altamirano says:

    Thank you for the beautiful reminder of the power that God gives us with the Gospel. We are truly made for great things, we just have to give it our all and never give up! Yes our goal is Heaven once we leave this Earth, but when we truly realize and start living the fullest life here on Earth is when we truly start becoming who God truly made us to be! God bless you always! Keep them coming!

    • Caro says:

      Thank you so very much, Veronica, for returning to these pages to share your insights with our growing number of readers and fellow sojourners. I was particularly struck by our reflection: We are truly made for great things, we just have to give it our all and never give up! Can I hear an “Amen!” for that? Absolutely, and the more we realize this truth and keep feeding our resolve with an active positive spirit trusting everything to the Lord Jesus, the more we will have peace and clarity. God bless you and all your family, especially your new business venture.

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