The Word of God

Freedom at 5:11

wine glass tipped over with spilled wine surrounded by pills and full ashtray

As her perception of life as she knew it felt, the tiny bed was hard. It was one of those awful moments when the question races through the mind like a lizard on a hot sidewalk, “How did I even get here?” No one wants to have those nights and hardly anyone is ready for them. Neither was she. While the people at the rehab facility were nice enough, she did not want to be there, but she had no choice. To say that her whole world fell apart is to put it mercifully succinct. Not only her world, but her universe, and those closest to her, were taken up in the firestorm of the familiar mantra of alcohol, drugs, and rocky, opulent luxury, leaving an unhealthy and tragic pile of discarded casualties, including her husband, children, business, and bank account. 

“Out of the depths, I call to you, Lord; Lord, hear my cry!”

After a few hours of the most horrible and sickening nausea she could ever recall, with both an empty stomach and a soul that felt as if she was in free fall through a bottomless pit, she knew it was time. It was time to make the decision that was nestled deep within her tortured existence, and call out to God for whatever was left in their torn relationship. That wondrous moment arrived when as soon as she called out his name, a powerful, yet gentle aura of peace spread over her like morning dew and she knew that home would be rehab for at least three months of intense therapy and that this same person living in a tireless and meaningless cloud of ruthless storms worse than darkness, would emerge victoriously. She gently turned on her side and in the bleak, painful, and murky shadows, and saw the bright orange numbers of the digital alarm clock that looked as if it was purchased in the eighties. It seemed to burn the actual time into her brain, which houses memories that were about to be reconfigured and renewed in these final minutes before the dawn. 

It was 5:11.

The next couple of months, as she imagined, were the “best of times and the worst of times,” to quote Dickens. They were horrible because she had in fact lost everything that helped define her life thus far. She had burned every bridge imaginable, and left little than the clothes in the Hefty bag outside her door, and her driver’s license sporting a picture that screamed, “Help me!” through a forced smile that attempted to portray a life well lived when that was the farthest from the truth. 

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits and I hope for his word.” 

One thing about herself that she liked the most was that she saw herself to be remarkably tenacious and resilient, especially after those first twenty-eight days of seeing life through sober eyes. She had done remarkably well in therapy and responded in a real, and at times, overwhelmingly honest fashion that helped her recovery, to an amazing degree, but also assisted those around her who were as lost and desolate as she was upon arrival. However, another real breakthrough and access to full recovery were to meet her after her time at the facility, upon her “graduation.” She had literally fallen off the face of the planet and nothing would or could ever be the same. However, as attached and stubbornly addicted as she was to the poisons of the soul which had earlier nearly destroyed her, she was equally poised and ready to begin again, from the very start. She had no home, no family, and no livelihood to speak of, so she began where everyone starts again: at the bottom. She would later say that hitting rock bottom had at least two wonderful aspects and comforting issues: it was bottom and the Rock was Jesus. 

“My soul looks for the Lord more than sentinels for daybreak.”  

Thanks to many, most of which had been in the same proverbial boat, she had help. It was going to be a long road but she was convinced that the journey would be life-giving as well as life-changing. She remembered reading John Stenbeck in college who wrote that “people don’t take trips, but rather trips take people,” and she fully agreed with that now on several levels. 

Her story continues to be re-written even at the publication of this post. People who meet her today feel a sudden gush of optimism and hope even without her saying a word. She is a walking miracle and never overlooks the chance to tell others about this “dramatic novel on two feet,” as she likes to kid without adding one more fascinating detail about the whole experience. 

Before applying for and receiving funding for a degree to recreate her professional life, one that required much sacrifice on many levels, she had to produce her birth certificate required to obtain a passport for an overseas practicum. She had learned to be patient and she knew how to teach it as well. The process of obtaining this document seemed so much trouble, but in the end, it would be worth it on at least two different accounts. The first, of course, would allow her to move forward and here is the second:

The long-awaited text finally reached her smartphone with the message that her certificate was ready but that she had the option, since she was still living in the same city, to go in person to actually sign for it or pay some bizarre amount of money to have it sent to her by some special courier arrangement. Being quite thrifty these days, having squandered so many funds on things that never truly satisfied, she decided to make a morning of it, and retrieve this timely document and meet up for lunch with her sponsor with whom she had maintained a healthy friendship. It was all so providential. Her birth certificate was ready for her and all she had to do was sign! 

The following scene was almost magical, as if time actually slowed down as she stepped outside into the bright sunlight with a cool, whispering wind caressing her ever so gently. She carefully opened the envelope and reviewed all the information. As she read the names of her parents, she sighed a little remembering them fondly, long ago passed from this life to the next, and shedding a tiny tear of longing but hope as well. In retrospect, this was to help moisten the very groundwork of her soul for what was to happen next. She read the actual time of her birth:

It was 5:11.

It would be over dramatic to say that she stood paralyzed. No, it was more like a slice of heaven raining down upon her, filling her entire being with such an innate amount of joy that clearly defied definition or, at least at that particular moment, explanation. You see, as she tells people today, the time of her rebirth in this life corresponded directly to the time of her physical birth on the planet. This coincidence was not lost on her and most likely will never be. She found her own life and freedom at 5:11, discovering that it was as precious and priceless as life itself, fresh out of the womb as it were, and she was never, ever going to lose it. 

“More than sentinels for daybreak, let Israel hope in the Lord. For with the Lord is mercy, with him is plenteous redemption. And he will redeem them from all their sins.” 

Every day you and I have myriads of opportunities to find the greatest treasures that exist within and all around us. This is why deep, abiding friendships are so necessary for the journey. More than that, we must encounter the Lord Jesus, who like for our friend who found life and freedom at 5:11, stands ready to hold us and mold us and prepare us for a journey that oftentimes escapes sufficient explanation. Open up the Bible today to any page and let the Word of God just permeate and touch you. Talk to Jesus. Let him know how you are feeling right here, right now. This is the stuff that makes of a miraculous, breathtaking, and wondrous life. This is the kind of life that Jesus truly wants for us, to thrive and not just survive. It is a life that continues to grow deeper with the passing of each day. It becomes a life where you can’t wait to get up in the morning to see what is waiting for you and feel a little tinge of sadness when it’s time to go to bed. 

Everyone has a 5:11. What is yours?

“Live life to the fullest. You have to color outside the lines once in a while if you want to make your life a masterpiece. Laugh some every day. Keep growing, keep dreaming, keep following your heart. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” Albert Einstein

Share your thoughts (46 thoughts)

46 thoughts on “Freedom at 5:11”

  • Mary Ann Ramos says:

    This article is so good! Thank you for giving, for teaching and for loving your readers!

    My Freedom at 5:11 was calling on the Holy Spirit in my despair and then seeing lightening in a dark room with my eyes closed. To quote your words, “like a slice of heaven raining down upon her, filling her entire being with such an innate amount of joy that clearly defied definition”. There was no sufficient explanation. Only faith in the Light. From that moment at a retreat in Mathis Texas, I have witnessed numerous miracles, big and small, but each one a glimpse into the immense love Our Lord has for all of us.

    Matthew 16:25
    For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

    • Caro says:

      He knows, He loves, He cares;
      Nothing this truth can dim.
      He gives the very best to those
      Who leave the choice to Him.

  • Denise Guerra says:

    As always, thank you for sharing. It is true that when we are at our lowest in life, we long for answers from anywhere and anyone. Taking the steps to humble yourself and ask for God’s help is something I wish people would do more of. With the Lord, there IS mercy AND forgiveness and you do feel as if you have someone is on your side helping you through the rough patches of life. It is truly Christ helping you and walking with you every step of the way, encouraging you not to give up, to keep going.

    • Caro says:

      Welcome back, Denise, and thank you for taking the time to offer your thoughts about “Freedom at 5:11.” Your mention of humility, although not specifically highlighted in the blog post, was certainly at the very core of the experience of our central, re-birthed protagonist. I further and greatly appreciated the connection between humility and the reception of mercy and forgiveness from Jesus the Christ. That was simply brilliant! Rough patches aside, every day begun with trust and a humble demeanor will no doubt yield a rich and peaceful harvest at bedtime, and when it is time for us to meet the One who loves us eternally, face-to-face. Have a great week ahead, Denise!

  • David Hemann says:

    Wait for it… Wait for it… Wait for it…BAM!!!!!!!! I was not expecting that ending and you marvelously prolonged the “Where is this going” only for a complete and wonderful rewarding resolution! It’s all about rebirth and it’s all about Grace and PROVIDENTIAL CARE emerging from hopelessness. And then you nailed it with a beautiful conclusion! Bravo!

    • Caro says:

      Greetings again, Father David! It’s been great following your inspirational messages and Masses of massive hope and encouragement, heartfelt blessings which many of our readers have received remotely here: (Check it out!) IF pleasure is found first in anticipation and then later in memory, you have certainly opened yet another aspect of “Freedom at 5:11” for our CityOfAgape readers, followers, and Bible study communities (182 as of yesterday, Yeah God!). Especially during these times of mounting anxiety, grace and providential care are absolutely necessary “emerging from hopelessness.” God bless you always, Father. You inspire thousands!

  • Jeannie says:

    Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this story. I can somewhat relate to her struggles, and it gives me great hope to read something so inspirational during this trying time in my life. I really love your perfectly placement of Bible verses; *sigh* Psalm 130! Thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing this beautiful gift you have: the gift of words.

    • Jeannie says:


    • Caro says:

      Thank you, Jeannie, for your deep & most sincere response to our latest post. We may never know our deepest value until we encounter our darkest night. Your words will undoubtedly bring the same joy you have found in the valley of tears. True freedom is found by a just a precious souls and your words invite others to keep looking. God bless you always! Thank you visiting us.

  • Patty Lichtenberger says:

    What a beautifully written inspiring story! You bring so many to God’s Word, we just need to be reminded often. Especially during these hard times. We all might feel like this is rock bottom. I’m comforted to know that God is the Rock and I trust in Him.

    • Caro says:

      One of the greatest things we are hearing from our readers, Patty, is that none of us are alone in hitting the bottom and because of this awesome fact, it is VERY likely that we will all return from this bottom-place with more courage, strength, and beauty. We could never know this peace if it were not for Jesus who took Rock Bottom to a new level by dying on the cross, finding Himself out of a grave, and living ever more powerful and meaningful to this very day, and we are witnesses to this amazing gift! God bless you, Patty, and may your years be filled with rock-climbing to the finish line!

  • Sylvia Garcia says:

    A well written and very insightful article. One that should be referenced often. Not only to be reminded of God’s unfathomable mercy and love in our darkest times, but also an awakening to the 5:11 opportunities in each and every day…”This is the stuff that makes of a miraculous, breathtaking and wondrous life.” WOW!

    • Caro says:

      Throughout the myriads of journeys of this human experience, since thoughts found their way onto paper, many have commented that simple pleasures are the best and that peace and wisdom are often found in the stillness of motion and havoc. Thank you, Sylvia, for your comments and for highlighting the sentiments about what it takes to create and live a most wondrous life. All this has been won for us by the One who found His way out of the grave and daily we are invited to walk that same path in love and service. Let us continue to pray for one another as we celebrate the only true freedom we can have in the Lord Jesus!

  • Fr. James Farfaglia says:

    Within all of the current challenges that we are dealing with, your reflection provides a remarkable message of hope. Thank you for the inspiration to begin and live a new day with joy.

    • Caro says:

      Thank you, Father, and welcome back to these pages! Your comments are timely especially in these unprecedented times where people are being challenged to the very core of their existence and bedrocks of faith and confidence. Our goal here at CityOfAgape is to provide the Word of God to as many hungering souls who come forward, to assist in the many daily online Bible Studies, and to refresh and re-inspire our readers through these story/posts. Please continue to pray for all our readers and fellow pilgrims along the way. You may never realize that Jesus is all you need until He is all you have. God bless your ministry! And God bless America!

  • Sandra J. Salinas says:

    Thank you so very much for this beautiful article! No matter what our circumstances may be in life, every single day is a 5:11 day. The author does an incredible job of not only guiding us through the story, but discreetly gives us the freedom to suddenly become a character of that story. Each day is a gift from God, and it is up to each of us to open that gift and share with others the blessings contained within it.

    • Caro says:

      Thank you, Sandra, for your insights today. All of us here at the Foundation deeply appreciate the time you took in posting them. Your statement that “every single day is a 5:11 day” was not only insightful but also brilliant. One of our readers accessed our toll-free line and left a similar message: “After reflecting on the entire story, I came to realize that I’ve tried very hard to make every morning a 5:11 experience, but some days are definitely 911. Let’s keep praying for each other.” I think all of us find ourselves on the very same page. Thanks so much for your comments. I truly appreciate them. Have a 5:11 on behalf of all of us!

  • Cris says:

    Beautiful. I felt her spirit. I too have been there at the bottom. That is where I encountered Him, my true love, Jesus. I remember wanting to rush home from work to fall into the arms of my savior. What a peaceful place. No fear! Such beauty.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you City of Agape for sharing. My life has never been the same.

    • Caro says:

      Your tender and heartfelt words have touched all of us, Cris, and we are so grateful. May the upcoming freedom festivities enrich your soul and courage to keep moving closer and closer to the One who bought us eternal freedom from the Hill of Calvary. Life in Jesus is true freedom and peace!

  • Gabriel Gonzalez says:

    Thank you for this wonderful story to help bring meaning to the word of the Lord. I was very pleased with this story and moved. I believe we should never lose faith in our Heavenly Father and never give up on ourselves. He and will always answer our prayers. To share with you our faith and this reading has opened my eyes to a better day and reflection on his plan for all of us. Thank you again.

    • Caro says:

      One of the greatest aspects of following Jesus is that His Father is promised to be with all of us as well just as He was present to His Son. This means that God the Father is always present to you, Gabriel, and to all of us who wish to keep Jesus near and dear to our hearts. Thank you for adding your thoughts to these responses with the hope that many others will benefit from the stirring of the Holy Spirit in your life and those around you. Enjoy this Freedom Weekend with all your family and friends. God bless you always!

  • Leona G. says:

    Such an inspiring story and so well written. Each day is truly a blessing. We have to strive to be our best every day knowing that God is always there for us.

    • Caro says:

      Thank you, Leona. You are absolutely right: every second of life, every breath in our body is a gift from God. Life in Christ is the greatest gift nourished by His Word and His Body and Blood. Thank you for taking the time to respond to these thoughts and insights. God bless you always!

  • David & Monica says:

    We thoroughly enjoyed this story, not just because it is filled with great literary content and spiritual insight, but because it is a message of Hope. No matter where you are, what circumstances have lead you there, or who you are for that matter; there is Hope and Jesus is our Rock, the foundation from which we rise up again and again and again if need be. We love your stories and the message each one brings. May God Bless you always and allow you to continue sharing what we believe is a glimpse of His Glory through your inspirational articles.

    • Caro says:

      Thank you so very much! I am more than pleased that you should find such value in these posts. These are the days where we must remain completely and unequivocally hopeful especially the days and months ahead. Jesus is watching us to see if He can see His reflection. May He always find joy in the joy we share with others. God is so good!

  • Annie Busker says:

    No one gives us jaw dropping moments in their writings like you do! Always a twist to help us get the message, which make your writings so interesting! You continue to teach us how we can deal with our challenges and fears with references from the Bible and how the Word of God can inspire us. We all feel like we’ve hit rock bottom at some time in our life, wish I had this reflection back then! Thank you for all you do to help us always look at the bright side!

    • Caro says:

      Thanks so much for your comments and insights! Looking on the bright side is the only way to live because behind the dull, and gray and gloomy, there is always the sun. And remember we follow a Man who found his way out of a grave. No pessimism with Jesus ever! And finally, keep in mind what Christopher Robin said to Winnie the Pooh: “Promise me you’ll always remember. You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Have a Happy Fourth of July!

  • Brother Peter Picciolini says:

    Another wonderful reflection. I too have my moment of rebirth. I believe that the Lord permits this that that we don’t become complacent in our lives. I think we all know someone who has had extreme challenges in their lives like the individual in the reflection. Someone who suffered with much more than common everyday obstacles. Most times they don’t end well. As for myself, I have a deep respect for those who are able to persevere and in the end still are able to find a relationship with the Lord, who is usually the one that gets all the blame for a difficult life.
    Not sure how you do it, but as usual I have an individual who will benefit greatly from this reflection. Very timely. This could change their life. Thank you

    • Caro says:

      What a great pleasure to read your happiness with “Freedom at 5:11”! And for the added blessing of the day, this could help another soul find their way to the place rest and totally surrender to Christ who loves each one of us as if we were the only one in the universe. His love for us is that overwhelming. This morning I heard a song that may echo adequately these sentiments when the young artist, singing about his relationship with Jesus, let us all know that “I’ve had problems big as planets turn to pebbles when He speaks.” May it be that way for all of us. Thank you so much, Brother. Blessings upon more blessings upon your head!

  • Julie Trevino says:

    What a great and inspirational message! It came to me at the most perfect time! Not about hitting rock bottom…or maybe it is…but mostly about waking up everyday to find the greatest treasures that exist. It makes me want to start my day all over again! Thank you for sharing this message. I must share it with my family and friends.

    • Caro says:

      It is of remarkable grateful joy that I read your comments, Julie! Every day is such a gift that if we do not stop once and a while, we might just overlook the great treasure we have been given. Thank you for your insights and reflection. I think that you and I could agree that, if it is true, and at the very end of our time here on earth, our life will flash before us, we better make sure that it’s worth watching! God bless you and your family and enjoy the holiday as it approaches. People who truly understand freedom & live every day to the fullest are the happiest on earth.

  • Kristen says:

    So often in my younger years did I believe I hit rock bottom. At the same time, I’d not known what rock bottom truly meant until I plunged into a time when I felt the overwhelming, unwelcome flood of abandonment. I held on to a clear plastic case of written scriptures from the Bible in my grandmother’s handwriting, and I’d randomly pick one out during times of struggle. That particular day, when I lie on the floor contemplating my existence and whether it mattered I was here, I didn’t bother to look for it, nor did I choose to open my Bible. I began to sob uncontrollably, hearing my heartbeat as loudly as a bass drum being pounded against my ear. With all of what was left of my energy, I screamed out to God, to the Lord, clenching my fists and letting my tears soak that old, dirty, carpet floor. After what seemed like hours of crying and laughing at my own absurdity, I became lightheaded and eventually drifted off to sleep, not knowing if I would ever wake up again… not caring. But, I did wake up; reaching for the old, plastic case buried in one of my many traveling bags. After a couple deep breaths, I stopped reaching. There was no need to search for it that morning. The Lord had overfilled me with peace and warmth and the feeling of hope had returned to my heart. He heard my cry. He always hears my cries. The Lord Jesus held my hand as I lifted myself off that carpet. He was always there. I just had been blinded by my own darkness to see. This story is extremely relatable to me, and comes at a time when I needed to be reminded of my rock bottom… in a way, this story is my “5:11…” The text glowing orange like her numbers… I’ll cherish it in times of hardship. Thank you for sharing!

    • Caro says:

      God bless you, Kristen, for sharing that personal and actually often repeated experience of those who are looking for truth and peace in this troubled world. It is especially noteworthy that you kept reaching out for those answers in the very heart of the Lord in the Scriptures while inviting and allowing Him into your life and the most important moments. Many of our readers write to us and relate that they have found peace and comfort not only in the written word but also in the Sacrifice of the Mass and the reception of His Body and Blood in the Eucharist. We are so very happy that you enjoyed this inspirational piece. May God continue to guide and lead you to those places of joy and wisdom which the whole world needs so desperately. Jesus teaches us in His loving, ongoing manner, that we may never know how strong we are until being strong in His Holy Name is the only choice we have. God bless you and please enjoy the upcoming July Fourth Weekend. In many ways, freedom is found in the remarkable chances we are given to be better and happy.

    • Anthony P. Montez says:

      I found “Freedom at 5:11” remarkably inspiring and a pleasurable read. The author skillfully interweaves scripture within the fabric of our shared human vulnerabilities in a writing style that manages to avoid the abrasive tone, or worse, the overly simplistic style that sometimes plagues writers and inadvertently diminishes the message of faith and inspiration. The author’s theological expertise is presented with gentleness which guides the reader to receive the message with a calm peaceful assurance and leaves the reader inspired.

      • Caro says:

        After reading your post, I was reminded of Mark Twain’s timeless statement that made this day entirely grace-filled and hopeful: “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” Thank you, very much for your insights on “Freedom at 5:11.” Our aim here is to provide as many Bibles to those who are searching with all the integrity and perseverance available and to help all would listen continue to follow the Lord Jesus through a world that is sometimes dark, and cold, and yes, at times, heartless especially on the part of those we would reasonably expect otherwise. Thanks be to God that you found this piece inspiring and calming. Please accept my wishes for a wonderful July Fourth weekend with the desire that freedom may not only be understood but actively lived to its fullest.

  • Veronica Altamirano says:

    Powerful and inspirational in so many ways……the story, the message, the realness of it all. Not only did I not want to stop reading this, but I wanted to learn more, hear more because I know too well it is in the struggle that we find true inner peace and joy even if we have nothing left in this world. It is in silence, it is in complete utter stillness that you feel God within you. So get to a place daily where it is only you and God and ask him to guide you to achieve what he wants you to achieve each day.
    May we all truly remember that it is the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) that will help us achieve all we are made to do on this Earth and to fulfill what God wants us to fulfill. God never wants us to survive on this Earth, he wants us all to thrive, and to use our God-given talents each opportunity we are given!
    Since it’s the 4th of July weekend, let us all remember to use our freedoms to not only share the fruits that God has given us, but to leave each person we come across thirsting for that same peace, grace, and joy that God gives us all when asked! We have such a merciful and gracious God! Blessings to all!

    • Caro says:

      We thank you so very much, Veronica, for taking the time to respond to our latest offering, “Freedom at 5:11.” We gratefully appreciate your comments. It seems that it is becoming more and more evident that those who have suffered the most are the most appreciative and grateful of freedom, not only in our country bravely won by countless men and women but also the freedom won by Jesus on the cross that continues to set us free and gives us the reason and season to live and love and have our being. I have always been mysteriously intrigued by the fact that the God’s image lies within us and that through a healthy and Christ-like approach with each other, so much beauty and love can be found and shared and grown. What a life we have in Christ! God bless you always, Veronica! Stand for what’s right. Make your life beautiful. Make your life meaningful.

  • Cynthia says:

    Thank you for sharing. As a person who felt like she hit rock bottom at a young age, I can truly appreciate these written words. It brought back many memories. As an adult, I continue to fight for my happiness. I know with God all things are possible and He is my motivation during good times and bad. Again, thank you.

    • Caro says:

      We thank you, Cynthia, for your honest and sincere response to our recent inspirational blog post. I am sure that many of our readers will and have been able to relate to your past and the way you move forward in life in the present moment. Sometimes a breakdown is a breakthrough, all because of the victory won for us on the cross by Jesus. God bless you always and enjoy this weekend. Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. Many of us should be happy that we are never alone.

  • Lorraine klamoert says:

    I was born 5:11
    I was a 3 pain baby
    Born in an elevator
    It was raining that day
    And I was being sung
    The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain

    So, I was named the rain
    Figures because I’m always crying

    Thank you for this article today
    I have to really speak to Jesus
    I can’t just believe he is listening
    It is I who have to have the belief He is

    I read somewhere that Saint Anthony said we can just say at any moment we are born again
    That I can also begin again

    Funny when I woke up this morning before starting anything today it was 5:11

    Then falling back to sleep and waking up to see this article sent to me by Michael (an angel).

    Jesus confirms everything day He is right here.

    All His signs continually trying to tell me so.
    Thank you my brothers and sisters who are out there in the rain and I pray we will be radiating with the Sun forever more.

    God bless

    • Caro says:

      Lorraine, we are both humbled and honored by your honest, artistic, poetic, and heartfelt thoughts and feelings with us today. I am confident that others will benefit from the life experiences and shared hopes that you gifted us all today. I love the image of rain, not only in writing but especially in dreamwork. It has such cleansing power it has much like the water that reminds us of our Baptism into the mystery of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. After reflecting a while on your thoughts, I remembered something I read once that was attributed to Leonardo da Vinci: “I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.” God bless you, Lorraine. Peace on the Fourth and all days. You have certainly found your 5:11.

  • Ron McAllister says:

    This is a terrific inspirational story. I love the part about hitting rock bottom and, once there, you can go no farther because you hit the bottom and there you have found the Rock and the Rock is Jesus. Too often we, or rather I, try to solve our crises on our own and forget that we have a Savior who is more than willing, and definitely able, to help us. We have to swallow our pride and admit we need help but, more importantly, we have to seek help. Continuing on the 5:11 theme – from Romans 5:11: “…we boast of God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.”

    • Caro says:

      Thank you, Ron, for your comments this fine freedom weekend (extended)! Everyone receives something beneficial from these posts depending on their state in life and the current on-going conditions that always have within them the seeds of hope and clarity. I am glad that you shared yours with all of us. Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller than you ever were. On behalf of all of us here at CityOfAgape Charitable Foundation and the dynamic Bible Distribution and online Scripture studies, we thank you. I’ve written often and can safely say that I’ve learned the same through the path the Lord has opened for me personally, that you may never know that Jesus is all you need until He is all you have. Happy Fourth! Celebrate Freedom!

  • Kris says:

    I have read this beautifully written story with holding my breath. The life story of so many this time and age, but written masterfully.
    I love the style of the author of this short story. Great talent that I hope will lead to the Noble Award For Literature.
    Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

    • Caro says:

      Thank you very much, Kris! On behalf of all of us here at the Foundation and the Bible Distribution outreach, please let me assure you of our prayers and intentions especially at the Sacrifice of the Mass every Sunday morning. As far as the Noble Peace Prize is concerned, we will settle for your loyal readership and kindness as we move forward in these strange but grace-filled moments of opportunity for growth and wisdom. I’m not sure if you’d agree with all the philosophy of Coco Chanel, actually, I’m not sure I would either, but I would risk the chance to say that at least both of us would agree with her on this point: “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” God bless you, Kris, and have an awesome 4th of July weekend.

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