The Word of God


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22 entries.
I wanted to Thank Brother Michael so very much for helping me get my Bible.I am grateful to him and City of Agape for blessing me with my Bible.I love to read a lot.And i think it will increase my knowledge about the Lord in a new way.
Andrew Lau from Jacksonville
Thank you so much for the Bibles. They will greatly improve home devotion for my wife and I. Special thanks to Michael for prompt response and kindness may the good Lord continue to bless and keep you.
Michael Ufondu from Los Angeles
Thank you greatly for the beautiful Bibles you shared with our St Monica Teen ACTS retreatants. They are absolutely wonderfully made and the margins in the pages left space for the team to write messages at their favorite quotes. I want to thank Michael for answering all my questions and insuring that I was up to date with shipping. He is truly a wonderful servant of God. Thank you for your very important ministry, and may God continue to bless you in miraculous ways!
Lyle from Converse
I just received my beautiful bibles today and I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wasn't sure if only large quantities were sent or if an individual could request one, So I sent a request for 2,(one for myself and one for a friend)and almost immediately received a response from Michael, who was very kind, and he informed me he would send them right out.Thank you so much Michael! I am at a spiritual crossroad in my life right now, and I am hoping to start RCIA at the end of next month, and I am so blessed to have a lovely bible to help me learn more about my Lord.Thank you so very much for this priceless gift and God bless you all for your generosity.
Christin Keller from High Point
For the majority of my life I have believed in God feeling and speaking to Him as I do to other humans. Even in frustration I have argued with Him. No one could and cannot shake nor break my faith and belief in Him. I was raised catholic by tradition, yet I wasn't a true walker of His path. It has only been recently that I have decided to give in to His will. I was lost and broken for many years. Yet my faith was unbreakable, and even though for me, it was only I speaking to Him, I know he never left me. It wasn't until recently that my fiance and I embarked in a relationship that I started hearing God speak to me. My eyes were opened and his unending presence in my life was reveal to me. The story of the relationship between my fiance and I is a hard one, yet divine as well as God has been involved and intervened. Yet this testimonial isn't about that story, it is only supplemental. For her, I changed my life around and began to walk towards our Father. I was invited to live the Acts retreat and after several invites I finally gave in. I lived it thanks to Resurrection of Our Lord Church in San Antonio. And at the internal ceremonies, we were given a bible. I had been wanting an English one so that one day I could indulge my curiosities of God's word. I also wanted to have a connection with my mother and something we could bond over. Her love for Christ is so expansive, it was truly inspirational. Even after I received it, i hadn't read it. There was still darkness in my heart, I was still lost, broken. After traumatic moments in the months after, God's will became ever more true, giving light to realizations of His love and plan. The true poison in my heart was revealed, and the healing of God's Love was in motion. I began walking his path only recently, began reading the bible, learning of Jesus and His place in our faith. I have been reading the daily verses and feeling them in my heart. So much that I have a need to express my love for God with any opportunity given in conversations. A younger co-worker of mine has gravitated to me and my love for God has only reinforced our friendship, although he has realized his faith as strongly. By God's will I chose his name in the Secret Santa gift arrangement we have here at my work. I immediately had urgency to gift him the Word of our Lord. My first bible, given to me at such a special occasion, with such life as the experience of receiving it and reading it has been filled with the Holy Spirit, deserves tremendous gratitude due to for having provided the bibles. Naturally I investigated the moment I was compelled to also share the Word with this young man, so I reached out to see if my plea would inspire compassion and provide me with one. Not even half and hour later I received a call from Michael who works at the Bible Foundation. Unfortunately I was unable to answer because I was at work, yet he left me a voicemail expressing his happiness for my longing to bring someone closer to God and Jesus and stated that he was creating the mailing label and placing it out to ship that very day so that I receive it in time for the gift exchange. So all this, my apologies for the length, is really a message of gratitude to Michael and for your mission. Thank you, and God bless you.
Jose C. from Eagle Pass, TX
We ordered approx 100 Bibles for a men's retreat, however, unfortantly they didn't arrive in time (my fault not City of Agape's). However, we decided to give them away at our Oktoberfest booth this year and they were a huge hit! We want to order more for next year and give away the Word of God to many more souls. It was truly amazing to see so many children and adults request that Bible! God Bless
Phil from Ambler, PA
Amazing site, very inspirational. Many thanks.
Catherine Hagan from Hoboken
I am learning more from God everyday thanks to the Daily "Good News"
John E from Corpus Christi, TX
Thank you so much for the great job you are doing. you are always remembered.
Gordian I from Baton Rouge, LA
At first I was the egg. Hard and fast. Then I was the carrot. Shaken and fallen. Through the power and love of Christ, I am now the coffee bean. He has taught me so much now that I choose to listen and obey.
Deanna Kozacki from Corpus Christi, TX
I am stunned by your awesome ‘good news’ link. I have prayed that GOD would show me his will in my business endeavor, and if it be that I should be successful, please show the way. When I saw your good news, I knew. I thanked Jesus. Thanks
Tim Brummett from Detroit, MI
Wow, what a great site! My husband and I were looking for insurance company to call when we fell on this sight. I’m not sure who set this page up, but the daily scripture reading was a very nice touch!
S. Lehrack from Dallas, TX
I found your site while searching for hospital equipment. I hope to use it in the future. You’re bookmarked! Thank you for spreading the Good News!
George from San Jose, CA
Dear director of goodnews. i thank for building site. and your missions to reach the world with the word of God. now want help to distributing bible to individuals , churches, oragizations and schools. kindly admit me to work with to help spread God,s world my country nigeria. i want become your bibles volunteer distribtor over here in my country.
Pastor Vitalis Iheanacho from Imo State, Nigeria
I am excited about this bible. At last every Catholic has a chance of owning a bible. Thank you very much. I would like every family in my parish to own a bible. please what is the word mentioned in the order form?
Felix Elosi from Houston, TX
Love this bible makes it easier to underseand thank you.
Becky Adams from Groves, TX
We are in Woodbury , New Jersey and want to thank you for the free bibles that we have received in English and Spanish . Thanks to the generosity now we can distribute them to people that are in need of a bible. Once again Thank You and may God bless you!
Catherine from Woodbury, NJ
I am so thankful for the previous 100 bibles that you sent me. All of the confirmation students will receive one; our adult choir and my Franciscan sisters also received one. I would like about 20 in Spanish, if you have some. I have sent the Free Request Form, but I do not know if it went through. Thank you very much for your generosity.
Lourdes Mendoza from Hebbronville, TX
Thanks for the truth.
Fred from Dallas, TX
Thank you for the inspirational writings ! This site is MAKING A DIFFERENCE !!
Patrick G from Corpus Christi, TX